Becoming a Business Owner in Indiana

Becoming a Business Owner in Indiana

Starting your own business may seem hard, but with lots of research, the right team, and a great idea, it can actually be a lot easier than you expect. While there is a list of extensive things you must do in order to start your own business or LLC in Indiana, here are some easy first steps you can take to get started:

  1. Come up with a name for your business
  2. Appoint a trusted individual to be in charge of your legal paperwork and dealings
    1. This is called a Registered Agent
  3. Register your business by filing Articles of Organization
  4. Apply for your business’ federal tax ID # (EIN)
  5. Register for Indiana state taxes
  6. Find a location/headquarters for your business
  7. Apply for necessary permits & licenses
  8. Hire someone to handle your finances (accountant)
  9. Hire employees
  10. Build a website and start working on your social media platform
    1. Facebook
    2. Instagram
    3. Twitter

This list is not all inclusive, but it is a start! Good luck

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